Once Upon a Tine
Monday, January 14, 2008
I feel so free to spew as no one reads this website, yet. So this is practically the virgin post, despite a few recipes in the archives. I am going to use this site to archive my "restaurant critic" adventures as they begin. I am delighted to be considered good enough to write for someone other than an anonymous blog audience (no offense). I have a looming job with the Arizona Republic that I have to get serious about. Meaning, get my head shot in so that they can publish me and start writing and submitting prior to assignment. The more I submit, the better my chance of a black and white audience. I need to focus and discipline. I sort of feel like this is to good to be true, and have not given it my full attention. I know it's mostly a matter of insecurity in my writing. I cringe when I know people read me. I give credit for my courage to even imagine I could write to my partner Mel F. The man has encouraged me from the depths of my recent despair to this new confidence that I now have. Thank you Mel.
posted by Jules at 9:25 PM
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